Exponentializing sales
Catapult the Strategic Sales Cycle, through incremental improvements in the traditional model and the inclusion of models and
digital tools, thus increasing sales, their territories and their predictability.
Why Exponentializing DMS Sales?
• New customers have emerged and many traditional ones have changed their business relationships
• Digital sales are intensifying
• Commercial visits are falling more and more
• Marketing and commercial dynamics have changed
• Technology can speed up the process
What can be optimized?
• Strategic model: Focused on customer and consumer purchase vision and insights (data-driven)
• Portfolio Management: Revisiting, analyzing and adapting your product portfolio, current and future, to a new vision, in real time, for consumer segments, customers, channels and regions.
• Coverage and reach: Increase capillarity, monitoring and commercial renewal in: new and current customers, regions, sales channels, sales staff and distributors Increase in sales management for inside sales (for commercial activity and acceleration of the sales cycle)
• KPIs and OKRs: Visions, analyzes and decision making of performances - sales region, sales channels, sales team and portfolio (sales management)
What are the expected benefits?
• Increase in revenue
• Acquisition of new customers in different markets and segments
• Greater agility and commercial assertiveness
• Better control of the business process
• Agility to test and implement new business models (MVPs)
• Modular consultancy: adaptable to different sizes of companies and the needs of commercial contexts
How can DMS Partners help them?
• Professional specialists in Commercial Management, Marketing and Digital Transformation, both in person and in digital
• Modern methodologies and easy learning and implementation
• Team with proven experience and ability to apply to your context
Market Overview
• Companies, generally speaking, motivated by crises and / or strategic redirections, revisit their business models annually.
• Beginning with the economic crisis of 2015 and enhanced by the pandemic, the methodologies and tools used, began to act, in a
efficiently, part of the equation only and for a short duration.
• The current sales strategy model no longer brings in the necessary revenues to sustain the business.
• Customers, representatives and traditional distributors closed or decreased their contributions, as well as new customers, distribution channels, sales regions and product segments appeared.
• Digital , which used to be limited to “e-commerce and ERP”, took on MUCH bigger dimensions.