Governance: a matter of Principles
In previous articles, we discussed how governance depends on people and the proper performance of their roles and responsibilities. These professionals are the governance agents (shareholders / founders or board members), who define, practice and direct the company's values and strategies; and the management agents (president and executive board), who execute the strategy and report the results.
By being clear about this difference between responsibilities and roles, the path to good governance is paved by the attention of these agents to fundamental principles, internationally recognized:
· Transparency: openness and openness in dealing with stakeholders - from the community to the minority shareholder, from the customer to the employee, from the government agent to the supplier;
· Equity: the partners have the same importance and must receive equal treatment;
· Accountability: those who run a company must remember that they have received a mandate to comply with the strategic direction of the shareholder and must, therefore, report the progress of the management;
· Corporate responsibility: the company is an economic agent that must generate results in the long term; this value creation gradually stops considering only the financial side and starts to include demands from all stakeholders, whose compliance legitimizes it.
· Principles: they do not materialize in the life of the company by themselves. It is necessary that they are known, incorporated and expressed in the agents' values and attitudes.
Good governance is born, therefore, from the beliefs of those who guide the company, which generates the intention. The next step is to transform this intention into a method that, evolutionarily, makes the company richer in good governance.
We'll see how in the next article!
Marco Antonio F. Villas-Bôas
Partner of DMS Partners, mentor, consultant, professor, master of administration, chemical engineer, certified management advisor